The Urban Kitchen is a great catering company and cookery school based in the Surrey/London area run by Toral Shah, a qualified cell biologist very much interested in the nutritional benefits of foods.
Offering gourmet fusion food experiences the Urban Kitchen services include catering for parties, to cookery courses around Borough market during which you pick and buy food and then cook-up your reward.
I have just browsed the website and I feel extremely hungry after looking through the course guide, and I wish I lived in London so I could become a regular student. Also, I would suggest that any brides-to-be have a look at the Hen Party page…let me just say: ‘Butler in the Buff’…
The Chichester Cookshop and Bognor Cookshop comprise of two shops and a website locally and independently owned. Located on the South Coast of England in Chichester and Bognor, our staff offer great service to personal and business queries, no matter how big or small, no matter where you are in the world.
The Bognor Cookshop offers everything from chef's knives to cake decorating. We stock fabulous accessories and gifts for your kitchen that make cooking fun!
The Chichester Cookshop houses a vast collection of kitchen must-haves ranging from designer barware to paella pans; we are sure to hold an answer to your query.
Offering high-quality service securely online, the website is allowing anyone anywhere to browse and buy at anytime from the Chichester and Bognor Cookshop. - Order online at
Visit The Bognor Cookshop at No.1 The Arcade, High Street, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO21 1LH
Telephone: 01243 827750
Visit The Chichester Cookshop at 24 Sadlers Walk, 44 East Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1HQ
Telephone: 01243 527767
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