Tuesday, 9 September 2008

ChichesterCookshop.co.uk gets a makeover

Well… it’s been a busy time and the fun never stops at the Chichester and Bognor Cookshops. In the past week our brand new shiny beautiful website at been re-launched, at ChichesterCookshop.co.uk.

Its up and running for you to visit with lots of stunning new gadgets for the keen web-browser to play with.

We have launched Facebook Groups for both the Bognor and Chichester Cookshop in conjunction with listing the website/Chichester branch as a business enabling you to become one of our Facebook Fans.

Easy Bookmark features can be found on all product pages for use with social networking sites, allowing easy creation of Christmas and Birthday Wish Lists, as well as sharing much-loved products with friends.

We are also very excited to announce the launch of the live helpline available for use with Skype. In addition to our Help and Enquiry form, you can find Chichester Cookshop on Skype and chat live to us with your Cookshop questions. Be it a specific product you are searching for, or some much-needed advice on which saucepan is right for you, we are ready to help.

Do click around, have a look at our updated order form, join the mailing list and let us know what you think. We will be expanding our range and adding new products every week, so don’t forget to Bookmark us and visit regularly.



Anonymous said...


Spot the spelling mistakes in the source (the title one needs fixing) :-

title>Welcome to the Chicherster Cookshop

meta name="description" content="Welcome to the Chicherster Cookshop"

Your site has been added to
Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: England: West Sussex: Chichester: Business and Economy: Shopping and Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Shopping: Home and Garden: Kitchen and Dining
which probably means nothing to you :-) but it is the most important directory on the internet (as well as being totally free) as it provides the content to many other directories (including Google). So 1 link becomes many.